Explore more of
Leduc’s Downtown District

Current Beauty Trends
Check out the amazing businesses in our Downtown District that you can visit to pamper yourself and find some trending treatments that will help you look and feel your best.

Hungry? Join us in the District for Downtown Eats!
There is a great variety of restaurants in Leduc’s Downtown District. Experience food and drinks from a variety of cultures, for whatever you crave.

Downtown District Recreational Programs
Check out the various recreational programs offered in the Downtown District; including martial arts, dance, art classes, tutoring + learning support, gym + fitness classes, and of course music lessons.

What’s up with the “Downtown District”?
Learn more about the Leduc Downtown Business Association, the team behind what was once the Main Street Shopping District and is now the Downtown District - Leduc’s one-stop-shop for food, fashion, and fun!

Top Things to do in the Downtown District
Learn and explore the history of Leduc's Downtown District. Experience it for yourself on a walking tour through museums and downtown streets and see what our lively downtown has to offer.

Back to … Everything
Our Downtown Businesses can help you get back into routine for the new school year.

Perfectly Pampered
Check out these suggestions on where you can visit in the Downtown District for all your self care and pampered needs. These will businesses will help you to feel and look your best before the school year starts.